Monday Mar 27, 2023
Revelation #3: Understanding Prophecy
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Monday Mar 27, 2023
This is part 3 of our study of the book of Revelation. This is a repeat episode that first aired in 2021. All new episodes coming Apr 2023. This episode Rob and Vinnie discuss the genre of prophecy and the book of Revelation. They address how to understand the prophets in the whole of the Bible and how this affects our understanding of the book of Revelation.
Here is the link to Michael Gorman's book Reading Revelation Responsibly
You may purchase Rob’s book: Follow the Lamb: a Guide to Reading, Understanding, and Applying the Book of Revelation
You may purchase Rob’s book Understanding the New Testament and the End Times
Please "follow" this podcast and share it with others so that we can get the word of the Gospel of the Kingdom to more people!
If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to see others benefit too, would you please consider giving a tax-deductible (one-time or recurring) contribution to support determinetruth ministries and make possible future posts like this? You can do so by following this link
Follow this link to download the app; then add “Determinetruth” as the church name in order to have even easier access to the Blog posts, podcasts, and more of Determinetruth
If you would like to have Rob and Vinnie speak at your church or organization in person or via zoom, please let us know by filling out the contact info on the Contact me tab on the determinetruth website
You may also submit questions/topics for future podcast episodes by filling out the Contact me tab at determinetruth.com
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Revelation #2: Understand Apocalyptic
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Monday Mar 20, 2023
This is part 2 of our study of the book of Revelation. This is a repeat episode that first aired in 2021. All new episodes coming Apr 2023. In this episode, Rob and Vinnie discuss the genre of Apocalyptic and the book of Revelation. They address how to understand the Apocalyptic in the whole of the Bible and how this affects our understanding of the book of Revelation.
You may purchase Rob’s book: Follow the Lamb: a Guide to Reading, Understanding, and Applying the Book of Revelation
You may purchase Rob’s book Understanding the New Testament and the End Times
Please "follow" this podcast and share it with others so that we can get the word of the Gospel of the Kingdom to more people!
If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to see others benefit too, would you please consider giving a tax-deductible (one-time or recurring) contribution to support determinetruth ministries and make possible future posts like this? You can do so by following this link
Follow this link to download the app; then add “Determinetruth” as the church name in order to have even easier access to the Blog posts, podcasts, and more of Determinetruth
If you would like to have Rob and Vinnie speak at your church or organization in person or via zoom, please let us know by filling out the contact info on the Contact me tab on the determinetruth website
You may also submit questions/topics for future podcast episodes by filling out the Contact me tab at determinetruth.com
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Revelation #1: An Introduction
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Rob and Vinnie discuss the book of Revelation. How are we to understand the last book of the Bible. Was John taken into the future to see the "last days?" Or was John writing in a familiar way so that 1st-century readers would have understood? or both?
And what is the importance of the message of Revelation for us today?
For more insights see Rob's book on Amazon Follow the Lamb: a Guide to Reading, Understanding, and Applying the Book of Revelation
Follow this link to download the app; then add “Determinetruth” as the church name in order to have even easier access to the Blog posts, podcasts, and more of Determinetruth
For the Determinetruth website
For the Determinetruth podcast
For all of Rob's books visit his Amazon.com page
For my Facebook page
If you would like to give a tax-deductible gift to support the work of determinetruth you may do so by following this link
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Asian American Christians and the Church: Interview with Dr Russell Jeung
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Monday Mar 06, 2023
In this episode, Rob and Vinnie continue their discussion of 1 Corinthians and the Church by interviewing Russell Jeung Professor of Asian American Studies at San Francisco State University and one of the TIME's 100 Most Influential Persons in 2021 to discuss hate crimes against Asian Americans and how that trickles into the church and what we could do better.
Upon completion of the interview with Dr Jeung, stay tuned as we have a bonus interview with Gracie Lee. Gracie and her family were incarcerated during WWII by the US government because her father was Japanese. Gracie is one of the special people in the church and you will love our discussion with her as she tells her story!
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Carolyn Custis James Interview: Blessed Alliance part 2
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Monday Feb 27, 2023
In 2013, Christianity Today named Carolyn Custis James one of the 50 evangelical women to watch. She is an award-winning author.
In this episode, Rob continues his interview with Carolyn to discuss her work and how she came to understand the Scripture's call for men and women to recognize that we are called to work together for the Kingdom of God and the flourishing of the church as well as individuals. Carolyn shares her story of how she struggled for a number of years as a single woman and how the church's message that women are to marry and have children didn't allow a place for her and others like her to flourish.
Carolyn’s Website and blog: note, links to her books may be found on her website
her books, which are well worth your time, include:
~2012 Outreach Magazine Resource of the Year~
~Christianity Today 2016 Book of the Year
~Missio Alliance—Best 10 Books of 2015
Please "follow" this podcast and give a review on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. Your review will go a long way towards helping others find this podcast.
Then share it with others so that we can get the word of the Gospel of the Kingdom to more people!
Also, our goal is to keep these episodes free of charge. I do not intend to ever hide them behind a paywall. I can only do this if those of you who have been blessed by them and can afford to give ($5, $10, $25, or more/month) do so. You can give a tax-deductible contribution by following this link.
Finally, we just want to say thank you for listening in and supporting the work of determinetruth. If you have any questions that you would like us to address, we would love to hear them. Use the contact page on Determinetruth.com
If you have been blessed by these episodes, we want to encourage you to make sure you follow this podcast, share it with others, and post a review. By posting a review you make it easier for others to find the podcast on google searches.
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Carolyn Custis James Interview: Blessed Alliance Part 1
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Monday Feb 20, 2023
In 2013, Christianity Today named Carolyn Custis James one of the 50 evangelical women to watch. She is an award-winning author.
In this episode, Rob interviews Carolyn to discuss her work and how she came to understand the Scripture's call for men and women to recognize that we are called to work together for the Kingdom of God and the flourishing of the church as well as individuals. Carolyn shares her story of how she struggled for a number of years as a single woman and how the church's message that women are to marry and have children didn't allow a place for her and others like her to flourish.
Carolyn’s Website and blog: note, links to her books may be found on her website
her books, which are well worth your time, include:
~2012 Outreach Magazine Resource of the Year~
~Christianity Today 2016 Book of the Year
~Missio Alliance—Best 10 Books of 2015
Please "follow" this podcast and give a review on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. Your review will go a long way towards helping others find this podcast.
Then share it with others so that we can get the word of the Gospel of the Kingdom to more people!
Also, our goal is to keep these episodes free of charge. I do not intend to ever hide them behind a paywall. I can only do this if those of you who have been blessed by them and can afford to give ($5, $10, $25, or more/month) do so. You can give a tax-deductible contribution by following this link.
Finally, we just want to say thank you for listening in and supporting the work of determinetruth. If you have any questions that you would like us to address, we would love to hear them. Use the contact page on Determinetruth.com
If you have been blessed by these episodes, we want to encourage you to make sure you follow this podcast, share it with others, and post a review. By posting a review you make it easier for others to find the podcast on google searches.
Monday Feb 13, 2023
1 Corinthians: Chapter 16 & wrap up
Monday Feb 13, 2023
Monday Feb 13, 2023
Rob and Vinnie discuss 1 Cor 16 and the topic of giving and the Sabbath. Then they highlight some of their personal keys from the study of 1 Corinthians!
Here is a link to Rob's book "Follow the Lamb"
Please "follow" this podcast and give a review on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. Your review will go a long way toward helping others find this podcast.
Then share it with others so that we can get the word of the Gospel of the Kingdom to more people!
Also, our goal is to keep these episodes free of charge. I do not intend to ever hide them behind a paywall. I can only do this if those of you who have been blessed by them and can afford to give ($5, $10, $25, or more/month) do so. You can give a tax-deductible contribution by following this link.
Finally, we just want to say thank you for listening in and supporting the work of determinetruth. If you have any questions that you would like us to address, we would love to hear them. Use the contact page on Determinetruth.com
If you have been blessed by these episodes, we want to encourage you to make sure you follow this podcast, share it with others, and post a review. By posting a review you make it easier for others to find the podcast on google searches.
Monday Feb 06, 2023
1 Corinthians: The Resurrection pt2 (1 Cor 15)
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Monday Feb 06, 2023
What may be one of the most significant chapters in the Bible, Rob and Vinnie discuss 1 Cor 15 and the resurrection. They address a number of questions: including, the significance of the resurrection; why it is that without the resurrection our belief is in vain; why are we suffering if there is no resurrection; and what is the nature of our resurrection body?
They also address what Paul might mean when he refers to "baptism for the dead." And what about those who appeal to this chapter to support the rapture?
And, finally, why the resurrection is the foundation of Christian hope!
Please "follow" this podcast and give a review on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. Your review will go a long way towards helping others find this podcast.
Then share it with others so that we can get the word of the Gospel of the Kingdom to more people!
Also, our goal is to keep these episodes free of charge. I do not intend to ever hide them behind a paywall. I can only do this if those of you who have been blessed by them and can afford to give ($5, $10, $25, or more/month) do so. You can give a tax-deductible contribution by following this link.
Finally, we just want to say thank you for listening in and supporting the work of determinetruth. If you have any questions that you would like us to address, we would love to hear them. Use the contact page on Determinetruth.com
If you have been blessed by these episodes, we want to encourage you to make sure you follow this podcast, share it with others, and post a review. By posting a review you make it easier for others to find the podcast on google searches.
Monday Jan 30, 2023
1 Corinthians: The Resurrection (1 Cor 15) part 1
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Monday Jan 30, 2023
In this episode, Rob and Vinnie discuss the idea of resurrection in the NT and its importance for Christianity. Why is the resurrection so often a neglected topic in our churches? Why did the disciples not understand Jesus when He told them of His coming resurrection?
Some of the key passages they look at include:
Mark 8:27-38
Mark 9:9-10
Mark 9:30-32
Mark 10:32-34
John 11
Please "follow" this podcast and give a review on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. Your review will go a long way towards helping others find this podcast.
Then share it with others so that we can get the word of the Gospel of the Kingdom to more people!
Also, our goal is to keep these episodes free of charge. I do not intend to ever hide them behind a paywall. I can only do this if those of you who have been blessed by them and can afford to give ($5, $10, $25, or more/month) do so. You can give a tax-deductible contribution by following this link.
Remember that our friends at Hearts & Minds, an independent bookstore in central Pennsylvania, have offered to give our listeners a 20% off on nearly anything ordered. Just mention Determinetruth and they will get back to you promptly with personalized service like you rarely see these days.
Finally, we just want to say thank you for listening in and supporting the work of determinetruth. If you have any questions that you would like us to address, we would love to hear them. Use the contact page on Determinetruth.com
If you have been blessed by these episodes, we want to encourage you to make sure you follow this podcast, share it with others, and post a review. By posting a review you make it easier for others to find the podcast on google searches.
Monday Jan 23, 2023
1 Corinthians: Spiritual Gifts (cont’d: 1 Cor 14)
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Monday Jan 23, 2023
In this episode, Rob and Vinnie finish off their discussion of spiritual gifts by looking at 1 Cor 14. What are the role and purpose of spiritual gifts? Should tongues be used in church? Are there different kinds of tongues (such as the prayer language)? What about the command for women to be silent in the churches?
Please "follow" this podcast and give a review on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. Your review will go a long way towards helping others find this podcast.
Then share it with others so that we can get the word of the Gospel of the Kingdom to more people!
Also, our goal is to keep these episodes free of charge. I do not intend to ever hide them behind a paywall. I can only do this if those of you who have been blessed by them and can afford to give ($5, $10, $25, or more/month) do so. You can give a tax-deductible contribution by following this link.
Here is the link to Rob's first of three blogs on Sermons.
Remember that our friends at Hearts & Minds, an independent bookstore in central Pennsylvania, have offered to give our listeners a 20% off on nearly anything ordered. Just mention Determinetruth and they will get back to you promptly with personalized service like you rarely see these days.
Finally, we just want to say thank you for listening in and supporting the work of determinetruth. If you have any questions that you would like us to address, we would love to hear them. Use the contact page on Determinetruth.com
If you have been blessed by these episodes, we want to encourage you to make sure you follow this podcast, share it with others, and post a review. By posting a review you make it easier for others to find the podcast on google searches.