Monday Jan 22, 2024
Rev 13:1-10 The Beast part 2
Monday Jan 22, 2024
Monday Jan 22, 2024
In this episode, Rob and Vinnie take a deep dive into Rev 13:1-10 in order to discern who or what is the Beast. They examine the context of the book of Revelation and remind us of the importance of Daniel 7--see last week's episode--for discerning the nature of the Beast. They they ask: "What does this mean for us today?" If, after all, the Beast represents all empires/nations in history, does this mean that the US is a beast? Furthermore, they discuss what this means for the people of God (the church) today. After all, contrary to popular opinion, the Beast does not represent the nations of the world waging war against Israel but the people of God (Rev 13:7).
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Show notes:
Since John combines all 4 of Daniel’s beasts into 1, then John’s 1 beast represents all empires
The Sea and the Abyss (13:1; 11:7)
Horns are a common symbol of power,
The Beast’s ten horns correlate with the “ten horns” of Daniel’s fourth beast (Dan 7:7)
In Daniel the 10 horns are 10 kings (7:24)
Beast wears his 10 diadems on his horns
The Dragon who has “seven diadems” (12:3)
The only other use of diadem in the book of Revelation is of Christ (19:12)
- Christ’s diadems are not numbered—they are simply “many” (19:12)
The means by which Satan wages his “war” against the people of God is by empowering the Beast to do his work for him
The Beast was like a leopard, a bear, and a lion:
- This also connects John’s beast to Daniel’s 4 beasts
- The Beast combines attributes from the first three beasts of Daniel 7
“These great beasts, which are four in number, are four kings who will arise from the earth” (Dan 7:17)
“One of his heads was as if it had been slain to death” (13:3)
- The next clause in 13:3, in fact, mentions, “the plague of his death” (13:3, 12)
- The Beast is said to be the one who had the wound of the sword and “came to life” (13:14)
The language that one of the heads of the Beast was, “as if it had been slain” (13:3) is intended as a parody of the Lamb (5:6)
- Slain; Beast’s death is similar to Christ’s (13:3, 14; 5:6; 13:8)
- Both rise to new life
- Followers names written on foreheads; People follow the beast ‘who was slain’ (13:3) but they reject Christ ‘who was slain’ (13:8)
- The Beast has horns (13:1) provides is a blasphemous imitation of Jesus who has seven horns (5:6) 2nd Beast has 2 horns like a lamb (13:11; 5:6)
“‘Who is like the Beast and who is able to wage war with him?’” (13:4; Isa 40:18)
Beast blasphemes, “His [God’s] name and His dwelling place” (13:6)
- “that is, those who are dwelling in heaven” (13:6)
Who are “those who dwell in heaven”?
- Heaven dwellers contrasts with earth dwellers
This relates to the promise in Gen 12:1-3 that God will bless those who bless Abraham and his seed and curse those who curse them
The focus of his deceptive aims is the people of God
The Beast wages “war” against them (13:7)
The Beast not only wages war against the people of God but is able to “overcome” them This statement would be truly shocking if it were not for the fact that John already made virtually the same statement in 11:7
- both 11:7 and 13:7, John refers to a “Beast” who “makes war” and “conquers” the people of God
Monday Jan 15, 2024
Rev 13:1-10 The Beast Part 1
Monday Jan 15, 2024
Monday Jan 15, 2024
In this episode, Rob and Vinnie take a look at Revelation 13:1-10 and John's description of the Beast. They note that the Beast of Revelation 13 corresponds with Daniel's four beasts in Daniel 7. In part 1 of The Beast, Rob and Vinnie discuss the book of Daniel and the role of the four Beasts of Daniel 7 in order to discern what the Beast in Rev 13 represents.
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Show Notes:
Revelation 13:1-14:5
- this account is expanding/continuing the account of the Dragon (12:1-18)
- The imagery of the 1st Beast derives primarily from Dan 7
There are 3 basic views 1st Beast
- Ancient Rome
- Future revived Roman empire
- All empires in history
Dan 7 forms the center of the book
Chs 1-6 Others have dreams and the meaning is revealed to Daniel
Chs 7-12 Daniel has dreams and needs the aid of interpreting angels to understand
- Dream about four earthly kingdoms and God’s kingdom (ch 2)
- Story of Daniel’s 3 friends being faithful in the face of death (ch 3)
- Story of arrogant king, who is humbled (ch 4)
- Story of arrogant king, who is humbled (ch 5)
- Story of a Daniel being faithful in the face of death (ch6)
- Story of Daniel’s 3 friends being faithful in the face of death (ch 3)
- Vision of four earthly kingdoms and God’s kingdom (ch 7)
Ch 2 Statue that represented four kingdoms
Ch 7 four beasts that represent four kingdoms
7:1-8 depict evil human kings as hybrid animals
Daniel 7:18
Daniel 7:21-22
Daniel 7:27
Monday Jan 08, 2024
Rev 12 The Woman and the Dragon Part 2: Daniel’s 70 weeks
Monday Jan 08, 2024
Monday Jan 08, 2024
In this episode, Rob and Vinnie continue the discussion of the Dragon and his pursuit of the woman--the people of God. We have seen that God's people are the means by which God brings redemption, but now we learn that there is a Dragon (Satan) who will oppose the work of God's people. The Dragon, of course, has always opposed the work of God's people only now he has been kicked out of heaven and he is really angry. The Dragon's pursuit of the people of God (the woman) continues as the woman is brought into the wilderness by God. Even though the wilderness is a place of protection and of God's provision, it is also where the Dragon wages war against them.
Rob and Vinnie then discuss the time frame of 3 1/2 years (42 months) and how this derives from Dan 9:24-27. They look at the Daniel passage--which is a key passage for those who espouse dispensationalism and the idea of a future 7 year tribulation--and provide a response to this view in light of Daniel 9.
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Show notes
The “war” (12:7) that took place in heaven now moves to the earth (12:17).
The Dragon “pursues/persecutes” the Woman (12:13).
Exod 19:4
“The Dragon was enraged at the Woman and went to make war with the rest of her offspring” (12:17).
The Dragon
- stood opposed to the Woman even before Christ was born (12:4)
- who opposed Christ and attempted to “devour” Him (12:4)
- has been thrown down to the earth (12:9, 13)
- and is endeavoring to “make war” with the offspring of the Woman (12:17)
The Woman’s offspring are “the ones who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus” (12:17)
“Forty-two months”; “1,260 days”; and “a time, times, and half a time”
Dan 7:25; 12:7
In 11:2 “for forty-two months”
In 11:3 “will prophesy for 1,260 days.”
Daniel’s designation of “a time, times, and half a time,” appears throughout the Second Temple literature to refer to a period of tribulation for the people of God
It is of limited duration.
In popular end-times scenarios, the “tribulation” is 7 years long.
Dan 9:24-27
Daniel 9 focuses more on the restoration of God’s people through the Messiah
Deut and Lev warn the people of Israel that if they do not obey God’s covenant then God will send them into exile at the hands of a foreign nation
- This happens in 605 BC when Babylon conquers them and takes Daniel and many others captive
Lev 26:15-17
9:1-19 Daniel prays for the restoration and vindication of Jerusalem
1st yr of Darius the Mede; 539 BC
Jer 25:11-12
Dan 9: 5-6—they have sinned
Dan 9:7, 14, 16 God is righteous
Dan 9:20-27 Angel Gabriel answers
Lev 26:18, 21, 24, 28: “If also after these things you do not obey Me, then I will punish you seven times more for your sins.”
- Weeks/sevens
Dan 9:26: Messiah will be cut off
Karat: ‘cut’: used to describe the cutting ritual associated the ratification of a covenant
‘He’ will confirm a covenant with many (27)
The use of higbir (confirm) suggests the confirming of a previous covenant and not the making of a new one (for that one would expect ‘karat’ to be re-employed)
- Thus, by His being ‘cut off’ (26)—through death—the Messiah will make firm the covenant (not a failure, but a success)
- We have the enforcing of the terms of a covenant that was previously in place; not the establishing of a new one
Dan 9:27 One will come who make desolation
Monday Dec 18, 2023
Rev 12 The Woman and the Dragon: Part 1
Monday Dec 18, 2023
Monday Dec 18, 2023
In this episode, Rob and Vinnie begin a study of Rev 12 and the Woman and the Dragon. This is an excellent chapter to understand for several reasons. First, it is a clear example of how apocalypses function. Second, the chapter aims to provide a context for "the war"--that is, the one the Beast wages against the Two Witnesses--the people of God/us included--Rev 11:7. Therefore, we are reminded by means of stark imagery of a Dragon pursuing a Woman, first her and then her child, and then, as we will discuss on the next episode, the offspring of the Woman. And, thus, it serves to remind us that the Devil is waging war against us (see Eph 6:11-18; 1 Pet 5:8-9.
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Show notes
Revelation 12 places the story of the people of God in the context of the cosmic struggle between Satan and God: The devil is a Dragon who stands opposed to the people of God in order to defeat them.
Genesis 37:9
Woman is Israel—the people of God: Mary; or the nation of Israel/Jewish people
The identity of the child becomes clear, “And she gave birth to a son, a male, who is going to rule all the nations with an iron rod” (12:5).
The reference to the “rod of iron” is most certainly an allusion to Psalm 2:7, 9.
The Dragon (12:3) stands in contrast to the Woman (12:1)
- both include the use of “sign,” “appeared,” “in heaven,” and “great.”
Dragon represents an untamable sea-going, creature.
Pharaoh is the serpent in Ezek 29:3
John leaves us with no doubt as to the identity of the Dragon (12:9).
the Dragon’s tail “swept down a third of the stars of heaven and he threw them to the earth” (12:4).
Interestingly, John glosses over Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.
“The Woman fled into the wilderness” (12:6).
The wilderness was a place of divine protection and a refuge in times of trouble.
- Jesus went into the wilderness after He was baptized (Matt 4; Luke 4; Mark 1) Moses fled from Egypt and found refuge.
- The Israelites later fled to the wilderness where God sovereignly provided for and nourished His people.
The wilderness also functions as a place of trial and temptation.
The wilderness conjures up positive images
- It was the place of God’s presence among the Israelites.
In terms of the narrative, the flight of the Woman into the wilderness also suggests that this is the present location of the people of God
- where they are both divinely protected and pursued by the Dragon!
“And there was war in heaven” (12:7).
- We should not restrict it to the heavens.
John makes the identity of the Dragon clear for us. He is the “great Dragon” (12:9)
the Dragon is called by two names.
First, he is the Devil (diabolos), which means “slanderous; or the slanderer.”
Secondly, He is called “the Satan,” which means “the adversary” or “the accuser.”
In 12:10, a heavenly voice rejoices “because the accuser of our brothers and sisters has been thrown down.”
The heavenly voice iterates that the Dragon is “the one who accuses them day and night before our God” (12:10).
12:11-12: a three-part hymn.
First proclamation: the kingdom of God has come
Second proclamation: they overcame him
Third proclamation: rejoice
The second part of the hymn appears to describe how the battle was won:
- first, they overcame “by the blood of the Lamb”;
- second, they overcame “by the word of their testimony”; and
- Third, they overcame because “they did not love their life until death” (12:11).
Monday Dec 11, 2023
Rev 11 The Two Witnesses
Monday Dec 11, 2023
Monday Dec 11, 2023
In this episode, Rob and Vinnie discuss Revelation 11 and the account of the Two Witnesses. Rob will argue that this is the center of the book and the key to understanding John's message. Who are the Two Witnesses? What happens to them? How does God bring redemption to the nations? Listen in to find out.
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Show Notes:
10:1-11:13 is an interlude
Relate to the “prayers of the saints” (8:3, 4):
- The interlude of 10:1-11:13 provides the long-awaited answer to the martyrs’ cry of how long.
Measure: prophetic act (Zech 1-2)
We need to ask why “2”?
The OT law of legal witness Deut 17:6; 19:15
“The two lampstands” (11:4):
- The seven churches are the “seven golden lampstands” (1:12; 1:13, 20; 2:1, 5).
John regularly uses singular nouns, such as “mouth” (11:5) and “body” (11:8, 9), in his description of them.
“Two olive trees and the two lampstands 11:4
Zech 4:2-3,
The likely OT background for the imagery of fire proceeding out of their mouths is Jer 5:14
Like Elijah they have the ability “to shut heaven, in order that it might not rain” (11:6).
Like Moses they have authority, “over the waters to turn them into blood” (11:6).
Like Moses they are able, “to strike the earth with every plague whenever they wish” (11:6).
“The war”
Their body will lie in the street of the Great City (Sodom and Egypt) 11:8
John links the suffering of the Two Witnesses with the suffering of Christ.
“Three and one-half days”--period of time during which the people of God suffer
7,000 is reminiscent of the number of those who remained faithful at the time of Elijah.
The rest became terrified and gave glory to God 11:13!!
Monday Dec 04, 2023
Rev 10 The Scroll and opened and John will reveal its contents
Monday Dec 04, 2023
Monday Dec 04, 2023
In this episode, Rob and Vinnie examine Rev 10:1-11. Rob will argue that Rev 10-11 are the center of the book. The question has been, "How is God going to bring redemption to the nations?" and now we are about to find out.
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10:1-11:19 is the center of the narrative of the book of Revelation
The 6th trumpet then ended in 9:20-21—did not repent
Exod 2:23-25
Exod 3 God says, “Moses!”
The scroll is critical:
- Father’s hand
- No one worthy
- Jesus was slain—worthy
- Jesus takes it
- Jesus breaks its seals
The fact that all of a sudden there is a Scroll and it is open surely indicates that it is the same scroll
Ezek 2:8-3:3
Ezek 2-3 is about Ezekiel being commissioned as a prophet
Rev 5:1, the Scroll had writing “on the front and back” (Ezek 2:10)
10:11: John is told to prophesy and the contents of his prophesy are 11:1-13!
Monday Nov 27, 2023
Jesus and the Last Days part 1
Monday Nov 27, 2023
Monday Nov 27, 2023
This is the first presentation on Jesus and the Last Days. How do we understand the "Last Days" and "the age to come" in the NT? And what does it mean for the church today?
This episode first aired in 2019. For parts 2 and 3 see Mar 2019.
For more information see my book Understanding the New Testament and the End Times
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If you would like to have Rob and Vinnie speak at your church or organization in person or via zoom, please let us know by filling out the contact info on the Contact me tab on the determinetruth website
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Monday Nov 20, 2023
Life in the Palestinian Territories: Interview with Jack Munayer (EAPPI)
Monday Nov 20, 2023
Monday Nov 20, 2023
Rob and Vinnie interview Jack Munayer to talk about Jack's work with the Ecumenical Accompaniment Program in Palestine-Israel. Why would children need an international person to "accompany" them to school? Jack explains their work in the Palestinian Territories. Then we discuss the recent attack on Dauod and Daher Nassar and their status.
That episode was originally aired in 2022 but is being replayed in light of the recent events in Israel-Gaza
Eappi.org Contact person in your country to find out more info on how to get involved
Friends of the tent of nations
Map of Israeli settlements in West Bank
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Monday Nov 13, 2023
Global Warming and the Church
Monday Nov 13, 2023
Monday Nov 13, 2023
In this episode, Rob interviews Gary VanderPol as they discuss global warming and the church. Gary gives some practical insights with regard to steps we can take to make a difference.
Gary is a professor, pastor, and activist. He has taught at seminaries in Costa Rica and Denver and pastored Evangelical Covenant churches in Oakland, Berkeley, and Boston. With Soong-Chan Rah he co-wrote Return to Justice: Six Movements that Ignited our Contemporary Evangelical Conscience. He holds a doctorate in the history of global Christianity from Boston University. He is currently coaching and cheering on churches that want to do creation care together.
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Also, our goal is to keep these episodes free of charge. I do not intend to ever hide them behind a paywall. I can only do this if those of you who have been blessed by them and can afford to give ($5, $10, $25, or more/month) do so. You can give a tax-deductible contribution by following this link.
Good news: the determinetruth App: If you wish to view these podcasts on your smartphone through the Determinetruth app simply download the “tithe.ly church” app on your smartphone. As it downloads you will be asked “what church you want to connect with”—insert “determinetruth” as the church name you wish to follow (and Mesa as the city if needed). Then you will be asked if you want the tithe.ly logo or the Determinetruth logo—choose the Determinetruth logo. Once it finishes installing, you will be good to go.
Once it is loaded, simply click on the “blog” icon and it will automatically load.
Finally, we just want to say thank you for listening in and supporting the work of determinetruth. If you have any questions that you would like us to address, we would love to hear them. Use the contact page on Determinetruth.com
If you have been blessed by these episodes, we want to encourage you to make sure you follow this podcast, share it with others, and post a review. By posting a review you make it easier for others to find the podcast on google searches.
If you would like to have Rob and/or Vinnie speak at your church or organization in person or via zoom, please let us know by filling out the contact info on the Contact me tab on this Rob’s determinetruth site.
If you have questions that you would like addressed in future episodes, you may submit them in the Contact me tab on this site
Some of the resources Gary mentions include:
David Wallace Wells's The Uninhabitable Earth
Norman Wirzba From nature to Creation: A Christian vision for understanding and loving our world
Monday Nov 06, 2023
Rev 8-9 The Seven Trumpets Part 2
Monday Nov 06, 2023
Monday Nov 06, 2023
In this episode, Rob and Vinnie discuss in more detail why Rob believes that the 7 Trumpets are not God's wrath, but are instead a description of what happens to the creation when humanity remains in power. Rob also explains why he believes that the 7 Trumpets are a prelude to both the destruction of Rome's economy (the world's economy) and why the 5th and 6th Trumpets are to be understood in light of the war of "Armageddon."
Understanding Rev 8-9 is critical for discerning the meaning of the book of Revelation especially in contrast with the popular readings of Revelation.
Please "follow" this podcast and give a review on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. Your review will go a long way toward helping others find this podcast.
Then share it with others so that we can get the word of the Gospel of the Kingdom to more people!
Also, our goal is to keep these episodes free of charge. I do not intend to ever hide them behind a paywall. I can only do this if those of you who have been blessed by them and can afford to give ($5, $10, $25, or more/month) do so. You can give a tax-deductible contribution by following this link.
Good news: the determinetruth App: If you wish to view these podcasts on your smartphone through the Determinetruth app simply download the “tithe.ly church” app on your smartphone. As it downloads you will be asked “what church you want to connect with”—insert “determinetruth” as the church name you wish to follow (and Mesa as the city if needed). Then you will be asked if you want the tithe.ly logo or the Determinetruth logo—choose the Determinetruth logo. Once it finishes installing, you will be good to go.
Once it is loaded, simply click on the “blog” icon and it will automatically load.
Finally, we just want to say thank you for listening in and supporting the work of determinetruth. If you have any questions that you would like us to address, we would love to hear them. Use the contact page on Determinetruth.com
If you have been blessed by these episodes, we want to encourage you to make sure you follow this podcast, share it with others, and post a review. By posting a review you make it easier for others to find the podcast on google searches.
If you would like to have Rob and/or Vinnie speak at your church or organization in person or via zoom, please let us know by filling out the contact info on the Contact me tab on this Rob’s determinetruth site.
If you have questions that you would like addressed in future episodes, you may submit them in the Contact me tab on this site.
Here is Rob's blog on Global Warming and the book of Revelation