Monday Mar 18, 2024
Rev 17:1-19:10 The Great Prostitute Part 3
Monday Mar 18, 2024
Monday Mar 18, 2024
In this episode, Rob and Vinnie finish their discussion of the judgment of the Great Prostitute (Rev 17:1-19:10). They reveal how this biblical narrative offers hope and justice for the marginalized and oppressed. Unveiling layers of significance, we illustrate how the message transcends its ancient context, resonating profoundly with contemporary struggles. Join us as we illuminate the transformative power of divine judgment, revealing its inherent promise of liberation for the downtrodden and disenfranchised.
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Judgment of the Great Prostitute
She is drinking from her own cup: “in the cup which she mixed, mix double for her” (18:6).
18:9-19 3 Laments over the destruction of Babylon
18:9-10 “And the kings of the earth”
- Kings who lived sensuously with her lament
18:11a; 15-17a “And the merchants of the earth”
- the merchants of the earth, “who became rich from her” (18:15), lament because with her destruction, “no one buys their cargoes any longer” (18:11).
18:17b-19 “And every shipmaster and all who travel by ship and sailors and as many as make their living on the sea”
- “all who had ships at sea” and who, “became rich by her wealth” (18:19) lament because “in one hour she has been made desolate” (18:19).
John provides a list of goods (18:12-13)
- 28 = 7x4
“A strong angel” (18:21)
Strong angel (7x) 5:2; 10:1, 5, 8, 9, 10; 18:21-only in 3 passages!
Great Multitude” only 3x! 7:9; 19:1, 6
3 hallelujahs: 19:1, 3, 6
“Avenge” occurs only 2x (6:10; 19:2)
Contrasts the Great Prostitute’s nakedness (17:16).
“The fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints” (19:8).
Luke 18:8 “when the Son of Man comes will He find faith on the Earth?
Monday Mar 11, 2024
Rev 17:1-19:10 The Great Prostitute Part 2
Monday Mar 11, 2024
Monday Mar 11, 2024
Did you know that discerning the Great Prostitute of Revelation 17-18 is perhaps more important for the church today than understanding the Beast and the Mark of the Beast? In this episode, Rob and Vinnie look at John's description of the Great Prostitute in Rev 17-18. More importantly, they ask: "Who/what is the Great Prostitute today?" Their answer is revealing.
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Show notes:
The Great Harlot 17:1-19:10; The Bride 21:9-22:9
She sits on many waters 17:1; Which are people 17:15
17:6; 18:24 “slain”
“I was amazed after seeing her: greatly amazed” (17:6)
- “amazed” 4x: 13:3; 17:6, 7, 8
She is sitting on the Beast (17:3)
- She “says in her heart, I sit as a queen’” (18:7)
- God is the One who is seated on the throne (4:1-2)
Note who is ruling! It is not empire per se. It is the economic, commercial side of the empire
The Beast, the FP, and the Dragon = Satanic Trinity
The Beast, the FP, the Prostitute
- The empire, embodied by the Beast, rules
- The False Prophet is the source of the propaganda that demanded the worship of the Beast
- Babylon/the Great Prostitute represents the material and economic of the empire
John: wants us to see the Great Prostitute for what she really is: her wealth was brought about through deception, slavery, and murder
- “by means of your sorcery all the nations were deceived” (18:23)
“These will make war with the Lamb” (17:14)
“And those who are with Him [the Lamb] are called, chosen, and faithful” (17:14)
Empires are often destroyed by forces from within.
John’s use of women: misogyny/patriarchy?
- Revelation also portrays the people of God as the Bride
- Revelation’s imagery is not meant to suppose that Babylon is actually a female prostitute
- John’s choice to depict Babylon as a prostitute must be viewed against the imperial portrait of the goddess Roma
- Must be read in light of the biblical depiction of Lady Wisdom and Lady Folly in Proverbs 1-9
- The Greek word for “city” was a feminine noun that required a feminine pronoun
- John was not writing from a position of power. He does not have the power to exclude or silence Jezebel
- The imagery of making naked, devouring flesh, and burning with fire are all associated with siege warfare
Monday Mar 04, 2024
Rev 17:1-19:10 The Great Prostitute Part 1
Monday Mar 04, 2024
Monday Mar 04, 2024
In this episode, Rob and Vinnie begin to look at the 3rd main section of the Book of Revelation--the account of the Great Prostitute. This account does not get enough attention when it comes to understanding the Book of Revelation. Rob argues that this section may be one of the most important parts of the Book of Revelation. Have we been seduced by the Great Prostitute?
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Show Notes:
- 17:18 Great City: Rome
- Babylon: epitaph for Rome
- 17:9 she sits on 7 hills/mountains
Babylon is materialism; commercialism; food, clothing, shelter; comfort; pleasure
4 main stories/scenes
- John taken to a new location (Patmos, Heaven, Wilderness, Mountain)
- John is told to “come”
- John was “in the Spirit”
The Great Prostitute and the Bride
Contrasting visions of two women
- The two women are actually cities
- The Great Prostitute is said to be, “a home of demons and a prison of every unclean spirit and a prison of every unclean bird” (18:2).
- The Bride, is the Holy City/New Jerusalem into which, “nothing unclean will enter” (21:27).
- The Great Prostitute, Babylon, a voice says, “Come out of her, My people” (18:4).
- the Bride, it is affirmed, “Blessed are the ones . . . who enter into the city” (22:14).
17:1-19:10 is a courtroom scene
- the people of God function as the plaintiffs.
- The defendant is the Great Prostitute.
- God: “the One sitting on the throne” (19:4) serves as the judge.
- The charge against the Prostitute is murder (18:24).
- The case before the judge is the martyrs’ cry for justice.
Revelation is critiquing empire and offering an alternative kingdom
The book of Revelation must be viewed through the lens of contrasting kingdoms.
Wilderness is where the people of God are! (3x 12:6, 14; 17:3)
There are 4 women in the book of Revelation: Jezebel (2:20-23); Woman 12:1-17; Great Prostitute (17:1-19:10); Bride (21:9-22:9)
John’s portrait of her suggests that she is attractive and seductive.
Monday Feb 26, 2024
Rev16 The Seven Bowls: Armageddon
Monday Feb 26, 2024
Monday Feb 26, 2024
In this episode, Rob and Vinnie look at Rev 16:1-21 and discuss the nature of the 7 Bowls and their role in the book of Revelation. This discussion includes an extensive look at the 6th Bowl and the famed "battle of Armageddon." Why do some manuscripts say, "Harmageddon." What is this battle? Well, it is likely not what you think.
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Show notes:
There are 2 main stories (4 main scenes: first two are stories)
- 1-3 John on Patmos
- 4-16 John in Heaven
16:21 marks the end of the second story (the heavenly vision) which began in 4:1
This leads to the conclusion that the Seven Bowls are a depiction of the final judgment
16:1 voice from the Temple (15:6; 14:15, 17, 18)
The “it” that became a bad and evil sore I suspect is the Mark of the Beast itself
Sea is a common image of the place of opposition to God
16:5-7 Interjections: God is just
4th Bowl: see 7:14
5th Bowl: The Beast’s actions lead to their inevitable consequences–utter darkness
In both the Sixth Trumpet and the Sixth Bowl, there is an army crossing the “Euphrates” (9:14; 16:12): these are only two references to the “Euphrates” in the book of Revelation
Three unclean spirits like frogs (16:13). Allusion to the Exodus story–plague of frogs
In case we were uncertain as to the nature of the frog-like beings, John adds, “they are the spirits of demons doing signs” (16:14).
False Prophet: the ability to perform signs was one of its primary features (13:13-14)
- The signs that he performed were the means by which he “deceives” the nations (13:14).
- 6th Bowl: the signs are given to “the kings of the inhabited world in order to gather them for the war” (16:14).
16:15 is a parenthetical insertion
- These words echo the message to the church in Sardis (3:3).
“Armageddon”—“battle of Megiddo”
“Harmagedon”—“mount of Megiddo.”
Zech 2:11; Ezek 38-39
16:17-21 7th Bowl
“It is done” (16:17)
“Theophanic manifestations”
- 4:5 Throne Room
- 8:5 earthquake
- 11:19 hail
- 16:17-21 nothing is added
A “talent”
Monday Feb 19, 2024
Rev 15:1-8 The Seven Bowls
Monday Feb 19, 2024
Monday Feb 19, 2024
Join us on a scholarly expedition through Revelation 15 as Rob and Vinnie delve into the introductory passage heralding the Seven Bowls. Delving deep into the nuances of biblical interpretation, we unravel the complexities of eschatological literature with precision and scholarly rigor. Through meticulous examination and scholarly discourse, we illuminate the intricacies of Revelation, shedding light on its profound implications for contemporary understanding. If Revelation is a love story, as Rob proposes, then how do "the Seven Bowls of the wrath of God" fit into this story?
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Show Notes Rev 15:1-8
15:1-16:20: third series of seven (Seals; Trumpets; Bowls)
The key is to recognize that God’s delay means 2 things:
- It was intended to provide the nations with the opportunity to repent.
- The delay was in order that the people of God might persevere as faithful witnesses
I Saw 15:1; I heard 16:1
15:5; 11:19 Temple opened
The seven angels who are given “seven golden bowls” (15:7; cp 5:8)
The Seven Bowls, the saints’ cry for justice is now being answered.
Each of the Seven Bowls is “poured out” (16:1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 10, 12, 17).
16:6: the angel of the waters who cries out “Righteous are you, . . . because they poured out the blood of the holy ones and of the prophets”
15:2 Sea of glass (cp 4:6)
Harps (15:2; 5:8; 14:2) victory after war
Came out of the temple (15:5-6)
“Bowl” occurs 12x!
“7 Bowls”: 4x 15:7; 16:1; 17:1; 21:9;
In the OT, smoke is a regular symbol of the presence of God.
- Smoke (12x) 8:4; 9:2**, 3, 17, 18; 14:11; 15:8; 18:9, 18; 19:3
Monday Feb 12, 2024
Rev 14:6-20 Announcement of the Final Judgment
Monday Feb 12, 2024
Monday Feb 12, 2024
Join hosts Rob Dalrymple and Vinny Angelo in an immersive journey through the book of Revelation, focusing on the powerful themes and imagistic richness of Chapter 14. Engage in an in-depth exploration of the prophetic representation of the final judgment, the ideological battles fought by the witnessing saints, and the looming consequences of choosing the wrong side in this cosmic war. Discover the seminal connections between Old Testament prophetic language and Revelation's vivid imagery, shedding new light on ancient prophecy in the context of the New Testament's final book.
Together, let's explore the complexities of Revelation 14 and its timeless teachings.
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Show Notes:
12:1-16:20, John adds more details to the story.
12:1-18 we learned that the “war” (11:7) against the people of God is none other than that which Satan has waged against the people of God from the beginning.
13:1-18 we learned that Satan (the Dragon) enlists the aid of two Beasts to do his work for him.
14:6-20 John begins to bring this section to a close by introducing us to the final judgment
- Section the forms around seven beings: six angels and “One like the Son of Man” (14:14).
John refers to “another angel” (14:6, 8, 9, 15, 17, 18)
In the first triad, the angels are even counted
The first triad of angels: each of the angels makes a pronouncement: “saying” (14:7, 8, 9).
The second triad of angels: each of the angels either, “came out of the temple” (14:15, 17), or “came out from the altar” (14:18)
The second triad: each either has, “a sharp sickle” (14:17) or commands those who have such a sickle to, “Send your sickle (14:15, 17)
The first 3 angels: the struggle between true and false worship
Interruption: 14:12-13: “Persevere”
- 13:10 “here is the patient endurance and the faith of the saints” (close of Beast #1)
- 13:18 “here is the wisdom. The one having a mind . . .” (close of Beast #2)
- 14:12 Here is the patient endurance of the saints, the ones who . . . faith”
- 17:9 “here is the mind, the one having wisdom” (inverted 13:18)
The One like a Son of Man: Jesus
Two distinct harvests:
- In the first harvest (14:14-16), the “One like a Son of Man” is commanded to “reap” (14:15)
- In the second harvest (14:17-20), an angel is commanded to “gather the clusters from the vine of the earth” (14:18)
1st = is associated with the harvesting of the righteous.
2nd = is a harvesting of the unrepentant for judgment.
Trampled (3x: 11:2; 14:20; 19:15)
- Lex talionis
1600 stadia (4x4 x 10x10)
The prayers of the Saints (5:8; 6:10; 8:3-4)
Luke 18:1-8
Monday Feb 05, 2024
Rev 13:11-14:5 The False Prophet part 2
Monday Feb 05, 2024
Monday Feb 05, 2024
In today's episode, Rob and Vinnie continue the discussion of the False Prophet and the Mark of the Beast. Who is the False Prophet and what does it look like today? What is the Mark of the Beast and how can we be sure we don't get it?
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Show notes:
The False Prophet appear together in 16:13
The False Prophet’s role as a deceiver: “it deceives those who inhabit the earth” (13:14).
The Greek word for “beast” is therion.
- Therion is a transliteration, or letter-for-letter equivalent, of the Greek word for “beast.” (See 9:11; 16:16)
The number of his name” (13:17): The most widely held conviction is that it refers to Nero.
- one must use the Greek version of Nero’s Latin name (Neron) and then transliterate it into Hebrew
There is little doubt that the Mark on the followers of the Beast mimics the Seal of God on the 144,000.
- The Mark and the Seal are on the foreheads likely connotes a sign of ownership
- The Mark and the Seal represent the name of the Beast or the name of Christ or the Father
- Both the Mark and the Seal entail economic implications (13:17; 14:3, 4)
“Zion” often becomes synonymous with Jerusalem.
Like the voice of many waters (14:2)
- Jesus’ “voice was like the voice of many waters” (1:15)
- In 19:6 it is the voice of the Great Multitude
Monday Jan 29, 2024
Rev 13:11-18 The False Prophet
Monday Jan 29, 2024
Monday Jan 29, 2024
In this episode, Rob and Vinnie discuss Beast #2 (aka the False Prophet) and his/its relationship to the Beast. They discuss the importance of understanding the Beasts and the Mark of the Beast for today. The Mark is about "allegiance": to whom do we give our allegiance: Christ or the Beast?
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show notes:
The second Beast corresponds to the religious elements within the empire
Matt 6:19-34
The small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the slaves, so that a Mark is given to them on their right hand or on their forehead” (13:16)
1 Kings 10:14 notes that Solomon received 666 talents of Gold yearly
- See Deut 17:14-17
Monday Jan 22, 2024
Rev 13:1-10 The Beast part 2
Monday Jan 22, 2024
Monday Jan 22, 2024
In this episode, Rob and Vinnie take a deep dive into Rev 13:1-10 in order to discern who or what is the Beast. They examine the context of the book of Revelation and remind us of the importance of Daniel 7--see last week's episode--for discerning the nature of the Beast. They they ask: "What does this mean for us today?" If, after all, the Beast represents all empires/nations in history, does this mean that the US is a beast? Furthermore, they discuss what this means for the people of God (the church) today. After all, contrary to popular opinion, the Beast does not represent the nations of the world waging war against Israel but the people of God (Rev 13:7).
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Show notes:
Since John combines all 4 of Daniel’s beasts into 1, then John’s 1 beast represents all empires
The Sea and the Abyss (13:1; 11:7)
Horns are a common symbol of power,
The Beast’s ten horns correlate with the “ten horns” of Daniel’s fourth beast (Dan 7:7)
In Daniel the 10 horns are 10 kings (7:24)
Beast wears his 10 diadems on his horns
The Dragon who has “seven diadems” (12:3)
The only other use of diadem in the book of Revelation is of Christ (19:12)
- Christ’s diadems are not numbered—they are simply “many” (19:12)
The means by which Satan wages his “war” against the people of God is by empowering the Beast to do his work for him
The Beast was like a leopard, a bear, and a lion:
- This also connects John’s beast to Daniel’s 4 beasts
- The Beast combines attributes from the first three beasts of Daniel 7
“These great beasts, which are four in number, are four kings who will arise from the earth” (Dan 7:17)
“One of his heads was as if it had been slain to death” (13:3)
- The next clause in 13:3, in fact, mentions, “the plague of his death” (13:3, 12)
- The Beast is said to be the one who had the wound of the sword and “came to life” (13:14)
The language that one of the heads of the Beast was, “as if it had been slain” (13:3) is intended as a parody of the Lamb (5:6)
- Slain; Beast’s death is similar to Christ’s (13:3, 14; 5:6; 13:8)
- Both rise to new life
- Followers names written on foreheads; People follow the beast ‘who was slain’ (13:3) but they reject Christ ‘who was slain’ (13:8)
- The Beast has horns (13:1) provides is a blasphemous imitation of Jesus who has seven horns (5:6) 2nd Beast has 2 horns like a lamb (13:11; 5:6)
“‘Who is like the Beast and who is able to wage war with him?’” (13:4; Isa 40:18)
Beast blasphemes, “His [God’s] name and His dwelling place” (13:6)
- “that is, those who are dwelling in heaven” (13:6)
Who are “those who dwell in heaven”?
- Heaven dwellers contrasts with earth dwellers
This relates to the promise in Gen 12:1-3 that God will bless those who bless Abraham and his seed and curse those who curse them
The focus of his deceptive aims is the people of God
The Beast wages “war” against them (13:7)
The Beast not only wages war against the people of God but is able to “overcome” them This statement would be truly shocking if it were not for the fact that John already made virtually the same statement in 11:7
- both 11:7 and 13:7, John refers to a “Beast” who “makes war” and “conquers” the people of God
Monday Jan 15, 2024
Rev 13:1-10 The Beast Part 1
Monday Jan 15, 2024
Monday Jan 15, 2024
In this episode, Rob and Vinnie take a look at Revelation 13:1-10 and John's description of the Beast. They note that the Beast of Revelation 13 corresponds with Daniel's four beasts in Daniel 7. In part 1 of The Beast, Rob and Vinnie discuss the book of Daniel and the role of the four Beasts of Daniel 7 in order to discern what the Beast in Rev 13 represents.
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Show Notes:
Revelation 13:1-14:5
- this account is expanding/continuing the account of the Dragon (12:1-18)
- The imagery of the 1st Beast derives primarily from Dan 7
There are 3 basic views 1st Beast
- Ancient Rome
- Future revived Roman empire
- All empires in history
Dan 7 forms the center of the book
Chs 1-6 Others have dreams and the meaning is revealed to Daniel
Chs 7-12 Daniel has dreams and needs the aid of interpreting angels to understand
- Dream about four earthly kingdoms and God’s kingdom (ch 2)
- Story of Daniel’s 3 friends being faithful in the face of death (ch 3)
- Story of arrogant king, who is humbled (ch 4)
- Story of arrogant king, who is humbled (ch 5)
- Story of a Daniel being faithful in the face of death (ch6)
- Story of Daniel’s 3 friends being faithful in the face of death (ch 3)
- Vision of four earthly kingdoms and God’s kingdom (ch 7)
Ch 2 Statue that represented four kingdoms
Ch 7 four beasts that represent four kingdoms
7:1-8 depict evil human kings as hybrid animals
Daniel 7:18
Daniel 7:21-22
Daniel 7:27